Make your chillout tracks stand out by using real chillout bass loops instead some tired old synth that no longer cuts it. Your listeners deserve to hear the real thing for that warm, organic tone that only a real bassist can deliver.
Enter ‘Chillout Bass Loops – Subzero’, a small but sweet collection of 45 live bass guitar loops for the chillout/lounge genre. Recorded clean and dry with hardly any processing, you’ll easily be able to modify the tone using standard sound shaping tools found in most DAW apps. Need a touch more ‘fuzz’ to the tone? Simply run these loops through your favourite bass guitar amp simulator and nail the tone your beats demand.
These super smooth chilled out bass loops were performed live on a MusicMan Stingray Bass guitar, recorded directly into Cubase. We added a subtle amount of compression to keep the dynamics under control but no EQ was added to the sound. That leaves you plenty of headroom to add more compression and blend these loops seamlessly into your latest lounge jam.
This selection of bass loops gives you 100% live grooves at 75 bpm, 80 bpm and 90 bpm. As always, these samples can be used royalty free.
Here’s what you’ll get with ‘Chillout Bass Guitar Loops – Subzero’:
- 39 Wav file loops (Acidized)
- 39 Apple Loops
- 39 Rex2 file Loops
Loads these laid back bass guitar loops into your chillout and lounge beats to give them a live groove that only comes from real bass. WAV, Rex2, Apple Loops and 100% Royalty Free.
Product Specification:
75-90 Bpm
39 Loops
45 Mb
Product Features:
Instant Download
Windows Compatible
Mac Compatible
WAV Files, Rex2 and Apple Loops Included
100% Royalty Free License Included
Download Free Demo Loops
Take this sample pack for a test drive and download some free demo loops. To reveal the free demo loops simply hit one of the share buttons.
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What is this Product?
This product is a collection of audio files that you can use to create your own music, songs and beats. Known as ‘sample packs’ or ‘loop packs’, this collection of sounds can be downloaded immediately after purchase in the form of a zip file. For more information, view our ‘How to Download Your Sample Packs‘ page. These sound files work in pretty much all DAW applications such as Logic, Garageband, Ableton, Reason, Cubase, FL Studio, Sonar and many, many more.